What's new? I've been up to my old tricks, sitting for hours in cafes around Bathurst and Bloor (lately my favourite has been Aroma, though sometimes lately I've been back at my old haunt, the Future Bakery, where the coffee has either improved or wasn't as bad as I remembered it), writing. Yes, I really do write in cafes. I'm still using the same old battle-hardened Dell that I bought used back in 2001 (with a classic Windows '95 operating system) and I couldn't tune in to the Internet if I wanted to, which is probably a good thing.
So what am I writing? Well, as I haven't been anywhere new or exciting lately (unless you count Kingston), I find myself falling back on old themes. I'm working Virgin Trails up into a dramatic monologue with, so far, pleasing results. However, as I don't have a theatre background I plan to shop my script around soon to see if any local theatre companies are interested in helping me develop it. (Yes, that was a cry for help.) And my other project... Would you believe, a novel set on the Camino? No promises, it's a work in a very early stage of progress. I'll keep you posted.
I'd been thinking where to go (and what to write about) next. Top candidates were the Shikoku Buddhist pilgrimage in Japan, the Via Francigena from Canterbury to Rome and the Cammino di Assisi (something I've only heard of recently, it follows the path of the first Franciscans through the Appenines (see http://www.camminodiassisi.it/ if you're interested in knowing more).
Yeah, there's lots of long walks out there. But if I pursue this Camino novel idea, then next spring will probably find me back in those glamour spots of Spain: Castrojeriz, Mansilla de las Mulas, Ponferrada... Ah, the Camino life for me!
One quick note before I go. It's already getting late to think of Christmas, but if there's some little knick-knack or gift you didn't pick up while you were in Santiago - a pin, a pendant, a fridge magnet - take a look at http://www.pilgerandenken.de/, a great German mail order website that stocks a wide range of Camino souvenirs (you'll find the jewelry under pilgerschmuck, which is not what I thought schmuck meant. Live and learn...)
More soon, promise.